How to Travel Green

Traveling green may not be as difficult as some may think. Many people already take the bus, carpool, or ride their bikes every day to make a difference in air pollution in every day life. However, how do those who wish to travel and see the world, do so while still being conscious of their carbon footprint? Tin Leg offers the following advice on how to travel green.

Planning the Trip
Once a destination has been chosen , begin looking for transportation to the country. Choosing to select the electronic ticket option will allow travelers to reduce paper waste, and better the chances of keeping track of tickets. Another beneficial tip is to make hotel accommodations that are near public transportation, or within walking distance of the sites one plans to visit. In addition to lessening the output of fuel emissions and gas by taking a taxi, travelers can experience the destination up close and personal by walking, or as the local€™s do by public means.

Before Leaving
Before taking off for travel, be sure to turn off all household items such as appliances, lights, and air conditioning units. Even simple tasks such as unplugging lamps, television sets, and fans can help to reserve any extra energy that is used by having these items plugged in. These simple tasks will not only lower the energy used while one is traveling, but it will also help to reduce one’€™s monthly energy bill once they are back. A win-win situation.

While Traveling
Once one is finally traveling, they may have the option to participate in their hotel’s own environmental programs. Often a hotel will offer the option to reuse sheets and towels to save gallons of water in rewashing, if a traveler’s accommodations offer this option it is a great way to keep travel green. Additionally, turning off the lights and television, as well as closing the curtains to keep the temperature down can also help to lower a building’s energy costs. Every bit counts, when working toward being environmentally conscious.