Don’€™t Let Your Vacation Weigh You Down

Vacations are a nice way to get a change of scenery and break away from your regular daily routine. When traveling, it is important to soak in as much of the culture as possible by indulging in the city’€™s native cuisine. While on vacation, it can be easy to go overboard on eating out and straying away from our usual healthy eating habits. To avoid damaging your waistline, and your wallet we’€™ve provided some tips on how to eat healthy while taking a trip.

Plan ahead by packing snacks
If you are road tripping, packing snacks is a good way to avoid eating that gas station hot dog that may have seemed like a necessity at the time. It’€™s important to eat every two to three hours, even if its just a handful of nuts or dried fruit. Finding a local farmer’€™s market or supermarket when you reach your destination to stock your hotel with healthy foods, can help you cut down on going out to eat, or eating from the hotel vending machine. If you are staying at a resort, stock up on healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains at the breakfast or lunch buffet.

Traveling can take a toll on our bodies physically and mentally, and eating foods rich in vitamins will not only make you look better, but also give you energy for that action packed travel itinerary. If you are forced to eat a less healthy meal, eating nutrient rich foods in the morning will give you a fresh start to the day.

Do the research
Plan ahead on where you will eat by researching the restaurants in the city you’re traveling to so you know where the healthier options are. Look for restaurants that use local products to ensure the food you are eating is fresh. Often the restaurants that pride themselves on local ingredients also offer the healthiest options. Avoid stopping off at the first restaurant chain you see and use apps like AroundME to locate better alternatives. Also, keeping track of the calories you are consuming by using an app like MyFitnessPal will keep you conscious of how much you are consuming.

Part of the beauty of a vacation is being able to let loose and indulge, so choose your favorite things and enjoy them, but pass on things you can easily get at home that add extra calories. Go ahead and eat that extra bite of gourmet Tiramisu, but consider opting out on dessert the next night, or choosing something with lower calories. Fish such as salmon, grilled meats, fresh salads, and sandwiches without sauce are good choices versus fried foods and entrees with heavy cream sauces. Incorporating a healthier way to eat while vacationing will save you money and your body will thank you later.